Journal Entry 9

April 10th, 1941

My heart was filled with dread when I first arrived in this strange place.  I was frightened to my core that I would encounter the worst kind of sinister sickness and that I would be beaten and stuffed into a cell somewhere to rot while shelling out secrets to aid my enemies.  However, when I arrived, I was greeted warmly by a team of Italian scientists.

It was somewhat unnerving to have armed German soldiers around every corner, but they for the most part do not even regard me.  I do not speak the language, but the scientists and doctors here make every effort to include me in discussions and there is one man who speaks German and Italian.  He tries to translate as best he can, and he has offered me literature so I can learn to communicate with the rest of those living and working in this facility.

My quarters are spacious and I am further surprised that despite the sterility of the walls and the general hospital-like atmosphere; I am as comfortable as can be expected.

Meals are provided at regular intervals.  These are also not what I expected.  It is not some prison food that I loathe ingesting, but rather actual enjoyable meals around tables with men chuckling and talking like colleagues. 

I have yet to be allowed to the labs or to examine specimens.  I suppose that I am in a sort of ‘get to know you’ period.  I am becoming acquainted with the facility and the routine.  I am ashamed to say that the early mornings and set schedules of when to eat and what time to go to sleep actually put me at ease.  While I am still wary, I find myself warming up to the idea of working here.  Perhaps it is not as I was led to believe?

In conversing with the lone scientist that actually speaks German I have learned some interesting things.  His rendition of why this facility was created includes experimentation for the betterment of humanity.  He has fascinating theories on the use of animal tissues to help burn victims recover more quickly.  I get the feeling that he wants to ask about my research, but does not wish to frighten me away.  While his theories are interesting, I understand they need a catalyst, one that is not based in normal human regenerative properties.  These people need my research to further their studies, but they are reluctant to ask.

I wonder what the German occupation has done to this facility.  Surely there is some pressure coming down on these poor scientists.  Is it simply a matter of making these men aid the troops with regeneration?  Somehow I doubt it.

Still, these men are doing the best they can with what they have.  I mean, that is what I have seen thus far.  There is a lot I have yet to learn.  It has been but a few days since I arrived and I imagine the worst is yet to come.  I shall try to keep my eyes open and to remain alert no matter how comfortable they attempt to make me.  I do not wish to lose my soul in this place.

I will keep you abreast of things as they happen, Journal.

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