Monday, July 27, 2015

Journal Entry 46

Happy Monday!

It's Monday again, and that wait!  Journal Entry!

Yes, I realize I skipped last week again, and I apologize.  Summers are always a little hectic and with no real 'schedule' and nine kinds of family things, sometimes stuff just doesn't get posted when it should.

However!  Hopefully this week will make up for it.

Cyrus has finally agreed to let Lorenz come with him on his hunt for this rogue vampire, but it becomes a moot point when the vampire finds them first!

Oh my!

Shall it be a stand-off or will they all just sit down and..have tea?  It's an interesting journal'ing experience this week.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Journal Entry 45

Happy Monday!

It's yet another Monday and that means a new Journal Entry.

It looks like Lorenz and Cyrus might have had a serious fight.  Lorenz even mentions if his lover walks out that he might not be there when the vampire returns?  Oh my!

Read how the two of them work out a difference of species in the newest entry.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Journal Entry 44


Oh dear...Yep!  I'm a day behind.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, this week's journal entry is a day late.  I can't apologize enough.

However!  Here it is.

Lorenz is fixing people suffering from what appear to be vampire bites, Cyrus is brooding the situation, and then masked people show up at the door.

It's a case of a different kind and Lorenz isn't sure how best to aid his lover.